// Attach method lists and properties and protocols from categories to a class.
// Assumes the categories in cats are all loaded and sorted by load order,
// oldest categories first.
static void
attachCategories(Class cls, const locstamped_category_t *cats_list, uint32_t cats_count,
int flags)
* Only a few classes have more than 64 categories during launch.
* This uses a little stack, and avoids malloc.
* Categories must be added in the proper order, which is back
* to front. To do that with the chunking, we iterate cats_list
* from front to back, build up the local buffers backwards,
* and call attachLists on the chunks. attachLists prepends the
* lists, so the final result is in the expected order.
constexpr uint32_t ATTACH_BUFSIZ = 64;
method_list_t *mlists[ATTACH_BUFSIZ];
property_list_t *proplists[ATTACH_BUFSIZ];
protocol_list_t *protolists[ATTACH_BUFSIZ];
uint32_t mcount = 0;
uint32_t propcount = 0;
uint32_t protocount = 0;
bool fromBundle = NO;
bool isMeta = (flags & ATTACH_METACLASS);
// 创建 rwe
auto rwe = cls->data()->extAllocIfNeeded();
// 循环添加方法、属性、协议
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cats_count; i++) {
auto& entry = cats_list[i];
method_list_t *mlist = entry.cat->methodsForMeta(isMeta);
if (mlist) {
if (mcount == ATTACH_BUFSIZ) {
prepareMethodLists(cls, mlists, mcount, NO, fromBundle, __func__);
rwe->methods.attachLists(mlists, mcount);
mcount = 0;
mlists[ATTACH_BUFSIZ - ++mcount] = mlist;
fromBundle |= entry.hi->isBundle();
property_list_t *proplist =
entry.cat->propertiesForMeta(isMeta, entry.hi);
if (proplist) {
if (propcount == ATTACH_BUFSIZ) {
rwe->properties.attachLists(proplists, propcount);
propcount = 0;
proplists[ATTACH_BUFSIZ - ++propcount] = proplist;
protocol_list_t *protolist = entry.cat->protocolsForMeta(isMeta);
if (protolist) {
if (protocount == ATTACH_BUFSIZ) {
rwe->protocols.attachLists(protolists, protocount);
protocount = 0;
protolists[ATTACH_BUFSIZ - ++protocount] = protolist;
if (mcount > 0) {
prepareMethodLists(cls, mlists + ATTACH_BUFSIZ - mcount, mcount,
NO, fromBundle, __func__);
rwe->methods.attachLists(mlists + ATTACH_BUFSIZ - mcount, mcount);
if (flags & ATTACH_EXISTING) {
flushCaches(cls, __func__, [](Class c){
// constant caches have been dealt with in prepareMethodLists
// if the class still is constant here, it's fine to keep
return !c->cache.isConstantOptimizedCache();
rwe->properties.attachLists(proplists + ATTACH_BUFSIZ - propcount, propcount);
rwe->protocols.attachLists(protolists + ATTACH_BUFSIZ - protocount, protocount);